Health Service Categories and Careers


Public/Environmental Health is concerned with the health of populations at large and community groups, and the relationship between the environment and human health. Health status and outcomes at the population level can be impacted by public health policies, public education, resource allocation, and laws which uphold standards of practice and health and safety. Human health is impacted by environmental conditions, including water and air quality, sanitation, and waste management practices. Public and environmental health plays an important role in moderating, advising, upholding, monitoring and enforcing standards of practice which reduce negative public health outcomes and improve environmental conditions and wellbeing.

Environmental and Public Health Jobs

Public/Environmental Health Workers provide services which investigate, assess, and advise on public and environmental health and safety matters, such as food safety, infectious disease transmission, injury prevention, and environmental management. They monitor and enforce laws and regulations that promote good health and environmental practices and provide advice and education. They work in community settings, government agencies or in industry and private companies. Public and environmental health workers have completed a Science or Health Science degree, with a Public/Environmental Health major or postgraduate certificate.